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Is that a projector in your pocket...?


Check this out*:

That's right. A data projector that fits in your (shirt, not coat) pocket and connects to an iPod. Cool.

Now back when I was a little presenter growing up on the prairie, it took two men and a boy to carry the equipment needed for data projection. I remember humping:

My trusty MacClassic, B&W, with added video-out pigtail which connected to...

an LCD projection panel to be placed on...

an overhead projector, better when bright and portable. The room still needed to be pretty dark and image wasn't much sharper than the presenter, but there was still quite a WOW factor for the time.

I honestly believe I got my tech director job back in 1991 because I impressed the hiring committee with my really cuttin' edge HyperCard resume that I projected with a set up just like this. Sort of a proto-geek.

Speaking of equipment, the best backhanded compliment I ever received was from a very nice lady who gushed, "Just watching you set up the equipment was the best part of your presentation!"

Hard not to get a big head.

Off to the School Library Journal Summit in Fort Lauderdale where all the problems of the world I am sure will be solved. Cathy Nelson promises to stream some of the programs. My (literal) 15 minutes of fame will be "7 Audacious Statements about Fair Use and Copyright" as part of a panel.

Warm weather and old friends. Could be worse.

*Thanks to Tim's Assorted Stuff blog for this link.

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Reader Comments (7)

Credit where credit's due: That's Tim Lauer's self-titled blog, not mine. :-)

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTim

Thanks, Tim. You are a gentleman and a scholar.

The link to the "other" Tim’s post is:

All the best,


November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Doug, I'd watch you set up technology any time! And I can't wait for your 15-minutes of fame tomorrow... or to read your reactions to the Summit (btw, does participation on a panel qualify you as a sherpa?)

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLazygal

Holy cow! I want one! I am constantly amazed by the new technology. I think I am getting on top of the new things and then something more amazing shows up. Thanks for keeping us posted!

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSherry Crofut

@ Lazy,

Well, thanks. Watching me set up is a little like watching an old Laurel and Hardy movie, with Stan.

The panel was fun. Always good to see so many friends at events like these.

I forgot my sherpa hat at home. The one with the earflaps.

All the best,


@ Sherry,

I want one too, but I want it to be brighter than 9 lumens! (I’m used to working with a projector that is brighter than I am.)

All the best,


November 15, 2008 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Hey there--tried to "practice" stream the nonfiction session just now, but live stream kept crashing FF. Sigh. I asked for a hardwire connection for what I am supposed to "officially" stream--Joyce's panel thing. (Are you on it?) Anyway, unless I have a solid hardwired connection, it's a no-go. I'm sad if not, and will stress until I find out in just a few,.

November 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCathy Nelson

Hi Cathy,

I’m not on the panel. In fact, I have to head for the airport about noon. Good luck. Life on the edge!


November 15, 2008 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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