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ISTE Board Election Opens

Vote early and often. - Mayor Richard J. Daley

I hope most of you got one of the one below in your e-mail yesterday. Here are my recommendations:

  1. Vote for the incumbents. These are dedicated, thoughtful, hardworking people in my (now ended!) experience on the board. I mean that. (Ryan, Camilla, Helen, and Jill.)
  2. Vote for Gordon Dahlby for an at large seat. He's a great guy and would make an excellent board member. He already has a great track record of working for ISTE. (Bonus points: he is from Iowa!)
  3. Be assured that all candidates are pretty high quality people. My guess is you won't make a bad choice.

Vote. Like TODAY. 

Dear Mr. Douglas A. Johnson,

Welcome to the 2008 ISTE Board election! Online voting for open seats on the ISTE Board of Directors begins today and lasts through April 11, 2008.

This election year with so much at stake, we really want to emphasize full participation by all ISTE members. We urge you to review the candidate profiles and VOTE.

Please take the time to participate in the life of your professional organization. Cast your ballot for the ISTE Board of Directors.


Dr. Kurt A. Steinhaus
ISTE Past President
Chair, Nominations and
Appointments Committee

Dr. Trina J. Davis
ISTE President

P.S.: Remember that you'll need to login as a member to view the slate of candidates, read their statements, and vote. Voting is a privilege-and a responsibility! -of membership.


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