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Student voices on cyberbullying

Maureen Tumenas from Berkshire Country Day School shared this message and link with me and gave her permission to repost it:

I did my first attempt at blogging with my 7th graders on Internet Safety and did a page on cyberbullying. I will be adding this pdf link [to my cyberbulling guide] next time- thank you! If you're looking for media- you tube, etc.. you can check the links on the kids' blog. They evaluated the project afterwards and aside from organizational issues (which I, of course, quickly realized as we started to work) the kids were really split 50/50- half of them had heard of this problem before and didn't think it affected them, the other half had never heard of it but, also didn't think it really affected them. Naive? Live in a bubble? I honestly don't know what to think.

Kudos to  Maureen and her  students! Great use of a blog and YouTube videos. What I appreciate most is the intelligence and level of sophistication these 7th graders are showing about this issue in their posts. I sense a lot of discussion and teaching having gone on "behind the blog."

What does it say when 12-years-olds make more sense of a Internet safety issue than many adults?



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Reader Comments (4)

Doug I checked out the blog above and it is really powerful. The links relating to the teen suicide video are very helpful. Our school has been looking for a powerful speaker to aid in our bullying prevention.

March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCharlie A. Roy

Hi Charlie,

I thought the site was good too.

Always a balance in having speakers. Don't want them going overboard on the scare stuff, but to have good, realistic advice.


All the best,


March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Very good stuff. Thanks for sharing, Doug. I'll be sharing this in my classes.

March 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClif

The video was great! There is a video at which is fantatsic on this topic. You have to go to i-SAFE to get the video as their resources are FREE from a grant by Congress. It is about a young man that was cyber bullied and died. I highly recommend for classes to see the impact.

March 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNancy Willard

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