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The librarian bluesman strikes again

I cut another bad one - K. Johnson 


 Muddy Waters




Muddier Waters






Friend and colleague Keith (Mom Always Liked Him Best) Johnson, the artist responsible for the number one Blue Skunk Blog/YouTube single Librarian Blues, is back and in rare form performing his newest masterpiece, "Got My Google Mojo Working (and I just can't find a thing)." It's another "heartbreaking Librarian's-World-Gone-Wrong song" featuring guest appearances by Muddy Waters and Sonny Boy Williamson. (I think they are on the faculty with Keith.) No other songs move me like those by Mr. Johnson. Well maybe, "It's a Small, Small World," but that's the only one.

Ladies, Keith tells me he is looking for a couple of back up singers for his next production. Send your photos  to <KDJohnso (at)>. He'll let you know if wants and audio sample.

Soul Man, the music is great, but we could use a little eye candy in these music videos. 

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Reader Comments (3)

Way cool! Thanks so much for this! After a week and more of butting heads it restores my soul to see these cool musician-teacher-librarian guys!

April 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJane Hyde

Thanks, Jane. Keith will appreciate the comment.

(Did you know most of my emails to you bounce?)

All the best,


April 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Just got back from my Texas Library Association convention in Dallas and am all pumped to push databases. This song was hilarious and fits the bill to play for teachers who tell students "just google it", or go to This made my day as I'm trying to recover from the information overload we always get at conference!

April 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBetty Copeland

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