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Problems and paradise

I'm  thinking of this little story taken from a Twighlight Zone episode that Ray Kurzweil shares in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines as I look forward to the start of school this year...

While robbing a pawnbroker's shop, Valentine [a small time hoodlum] is shot and killed by a policeman. When he awakens, he is met by his afterlife guide, Pip. Pip explains that will provide Valentine with anything he wants. Valentine is suspicious, but he asks for and receives a million dollars and a beautiful girl. He then goes on a gambling spree, winning at the roulette table, at the slot machines, and later at pool. He is also surrounded by beautiful women, who shower him with attention.
Eventually Valentine tires of the gambling, the winning, and the beautiful women. He tells Pip that it is boring to win all the time and that he doesn't belong in Heaven. He begs Pip to take him to "the Other Place." With a malicious gleam in his eye, Pip replies, "This is the Other Place." [Episode synopsis adapted from Marc Scott Zicree, The Twilight Zone Companion.]

We are implementing a new student information system. We are restructuring staff development in technology. We are installing 60+ new "Smart Classrooms." We are having an increased push for the use of our data mining system. We are implementing a new strategic plan for the district. We will be planning our new elementary school building.

LOTS of opportunity for challenges, problem-solving and probably conflict-resolution.

I need to be mindful that challenges are blessings to those of us who are easily bored.

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Reader Comments (2)

Sounds like - be careful what you wish for.
We will follow this with a great deal of interest, Keep us posted.

July 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKarenJanowski

Hi Karen,

I am not sure how much you will learn of the specifics of my "challenges" this coming school year. My basic blog policy is "Complain globally; Praise locally." I try my best not to be embarrassing to any of the people who are near enough to TP my house.

All the best and thanks for the comment,


July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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