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Grateful for Gary

If affluent children enjoy beautiful campuses, arts programs, interesting literature, modern technology, field trips, carefree recess, and teachers who know them, I suggest that we create such schools for all children. What’s good for the sons and daughters of the billionaires should be good enough the rest of the children, too. Gary Stager

Gary Stager gets on my nerves. Often. But it most often it is his pugnacious style, not his conclusions, that irritates me.

But then there are worse things than having an author irritate one now and again.

His article 'School Wars" in Good Magazine, a mainstream "life-style" publication should be required reading by - well - by everyone. He does a slam dunk on the impact business-driven politics have had on education over the past 8 years or so in the U.S.

The voice of the professional educator is rarely heard in the popular press. We are very prolific when it comes to writing for each other, but few of us make the effort to preach to the sinner and not just the choir. Gary's doing missionary work for education.

Thank you, Gary. Keep up the good work. Continue to irritate us.

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