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50 ways to love your library booklet


50 Ways to Love Your Library by Carlene Walter and the Saskatchewan School Library Association is a must read for all teacher-librarians, especially in these troubling budgetary times. (Why do we tend to wait until the crisis hits to do what we should have been doing all along?)

Oh, found out about this in a print publication - Teacher-Librarian. Did I miss the announcement in the blogosphere or are paper journals still of value?


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Reader Comments (4)

Doug -thanks for the acknowledgment of Carlene's article. We are very proud of Carlene and the work that she has undertaken for the our organization, the Saskatchewan School Library Association. She has also organized a series of virtual seminars with Sharon Grimes, author of Reading is our Business, that are proving to be a very positive form of professional learning for our members. Carlene challenges and inspires us to keep going when things look bleak for school libraries and teacher-librarianship.

January 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDonna DesRoches

Thank you for this article. I'm looking forward to digging into it.

January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterghostlibrarian

Thank you Doug for highlighting my article. It was originally posted on the SSLA's (Saskatchewan School Library Association) Website at www.ssla.ca. We hope you will continually visit our Association's site and offer your feedback.

Carlene Walter

January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlene Walter

Hi Donna,

Thanks for the call out and additional information. Aren’t we lucky to have such people in our profession!


Hi Carlene,

I hope your booklet gets wide distribution and heavy use! Thanks so much to all of us who are struggling to maintain good library programs!

All the best,


January 14, 2009 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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