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Rubric 7: Graphics and Digital Image Use

This a continuation of the 2008/09 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

Rubric 7: Graphics and Digital Image Use

V Graphics use (1995)
Level 1 I do not use graphics in my word processing or presentations, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.

Level 2 I can open and create simple pictures with the painting and drawing programs. I can use programs like PrintShop.

Level 3 I use both pre-made clip art and simple original graphics in my word processed documents and presentation. I can edit clip art, change its size, and place it on a page. I can purposefully use most of the drawing tools, and can group, ungroup, and align objects. I can use the clipboard to take graphics from one application for use in another. The use of graphics in my work helps clarify or amplify my message.

Level 4 I use graphics not only for my work, but have used it with students to help them improve their own communications. I can use graphics and the word processor to create a professional looking newsletter.

VII. Graphics and digital image use (NETS I.A., I.B. V.C., V.D.) (2002)
Level 1 I do not use graphics in my word processing or presentations, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.

Level 2 I can open and create simple pictures with the painting and drawing programs. I can use programs like PrintShop or CardShop.

Level 3 I use both pre-made clip art and simple original graphics in my word-processed documents and presentations. I can edit clip art, change its size, and place it on a page. I can use most of the drawing tools, and can group and un-group objects. I can use the clipboard to take graphics from one application for use in another. I can take, import, edit, and use images from a digital camera in my work. I can use a scanner. The use of graphics in my work helps clarify or amplify my message.

Level 4 I use graphics not only for my work, but have used them with students to help them improve their own communications. I can use graphics and digital images to create a professional looking newsletter. I can do basic editing of digital video production.

VII. Graphics and digital image use (NETS ???) (2009)
Level 1 I do not use graphics in my word processing or presentations, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.

Level 2 I can open and create simple pictures with stand-alone the painting and drawing programs or with graphics tools within wordprocessing documents. I can use photo-editing software to crop and resize digital photographs. I can use programs like PrintShop or CardShop.

Level 3 I use both pre-made clip art and simple original graphics in my word-processed documents and presentations. I know sources of royalty-free clipart and photographs. I can edit clip art, change its size, and place it on a page. I can use most of the drawing tools, and can group and un-group objects. I can use the clipboard to take graphics from one application for use in another. I can take, import, edit, and use images from a digital camera in my work. I can use a scanner. The use of graphics in my work helps clarify or amplify my message.

Level 4 I use graphics not only for my work, but have used them with students to help them improve their own communications. I can use graphics and digital images to create a professional looking newsletter and website. I can do basic editing of digital video production. I can share my photographs and artwork with others using file sharing Interent sites. I can use cloud-based image generation and editing tools.

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