Be it ever so humble...

As usual, I woke up this morning at 2:30. It's my best worrying time. For the past four weeks or so, I've spent these dark hours staring at the ceiling and thinking about:
- Revising workshops and presentations and maximizing school visits.
- How to minimize the risk of delayed or cancelled flights.
- If I packed enough clean underwear and socks.
- How best to support the folks in my district when I am gone.
- What to do if I caught H1N1.
- And experiencing flitting general nervousness about zombies, the IRS, and my third grade teacher.
This morning I fell back to sleep rather quickly since my worry list had disappeared. Except for the IRS.
Some how, in some way, my idiot booking agent (me) had me working for six different organizations doing god-only-knows how many different workshops in four different countries between October 23rd and November 17th. While I enjoyed each and every place I went and person with whom I visited, I am really, really glad that this marathon is done, that I don't do this for a living, and that I am home for a couple months.
I gotta have a talk with that booking agent.
Home from the back deck, Middle Jefferson, Le Sueur County, MN, Nov. 18, 2009
Reader Comments (4)
Nice shot. Is that ice I see? If not, you can probably count the days on one hand. My riding jacket was coated after a half-hour in the fog this morning.
Looks like you have a nice view to wake up to every morning.
I was exhausted just reading about your travels. I can't imagine what that bouncing into different time zones did to your body! I hope you are eating right and taking care of yourself when you do crazy things like that! Hope you get some rest now that it's all over.
Hi Clint,
No, no ice yet. Pretty balmy here in MN for Novemeber. It's the October weather we missed last month!
Hi Nathan,
Yes, the LWW looks pretty good most mornings.
Oh, you mean the lake. That too.
Thanks, Pat. The upside was that I lost about 10 pounds (now only about 20 more to go!)
No rest until all the relatives are fed over Turkey Day.