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Links to facilities planning materials

Seems like this question's been asked several times over the past few weeks:

I received a request from a fellow media specialist, for information on building a new media center.  I know many of you have been looking at plans for designing school library spaces. Could anyone out there in school library land share some of what you have learned and any good sources you found?

So as much for my own convenience as any service, here's a bibliography of things I've written on library facility design.

Imagining the Future of the School Library (with Rolf Erikson)

Some design considerations when building or remodeling a media center

Building Digital Libraries for Analog People: 10 Common Design Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Facilities planning survey

Library design advice from the ancients

Skylight and science department greenhouse above the circulation desk adds interest and beauty to the St Peter High School Media Center.

School libraries as a third place

A Jolt of Java @ Your Library

Jolt of Java Revisited

What you see and what you don’t see: a tour of Mankato’s Dakota Meadows Middle School

I highly recommend Rolf Erikson and Carol Markuson’s Designing a School Library Media Center for the Future, 2nd ed, ALA, 2009:

Hope this helps. Remember, all my writing has been approved by the AMA as a non-addictive sleep aid!

I have re-created this bibliography on my regular website and will maintain it there.

Send me recommendations for other good library planning guides!

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Reader Comments (4)

I recommend the school library facilities planning information on the "Whole Building Design Guide" website. The URL is

Kim Bolan's (author of "More Teen Spaces") blog has good information on the design of spaces for teens. The URL is

November 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRolf Erikson

Thanks, Rolf, for adding these resources for folks.

I truly see you as THE expert in this area!


November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

If any readers are planning a new facility, they might consider attending the New England School Library Association's upcoming Leadership Conference -- Knowledge/Learning Commons: The future school library? -- in Boston on January 15, 2010 (hooked on to ALA mid-winter). Our presenters include, David Loertscher, Ross Todd, Rolf Erikson, Valerie Diggs, Roger Nevin, and Pam Harland. The morning session is lead by Ross Todd and the afternoon session is held at the new Chelmsford HS Learning Commons with discussions of different design models. It is going to be an inspiring day! Registration is due December 4th. Lodging is at the Sheraton. Here is a link to the conference announcement.

November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKat in CT

Hi Kat,

Sounds like a wonderful conference. Have fun and thanks for letting Blue Skunk readers know about it.

All the best,


November 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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