And they want to ATTRACT members?

Thanks to sharp-eyed Iowan, Gordon Dahlby for sending this to me. I guess I was ISTE's poster child.
Thanks, ISTE, I appreciate you too.
All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.
My latest books:
The Blue Skunk Page on Facebook
Thanks to sharp-eyed Iowan, Gordon Dahlby for sending this to me. I guess I was ISTE's poster child.
Thanks, ISTE, I appreciate you too.
Reader Comments (6)
We couldn't have gotten a better member to think appreciatively about!! Though I am waffling on going to ALA instead of ISTE now. Talk me out of it?
How long do you have to look at the picture before you are eligible for the drawing? :.) Good to see your smiling face.
i don't know if in looking at this its feels creepy that I am looking at you or that you are looking at me:)
Hey! There's hope for all of us grey beards!
Hey! Do you know Doug Johnson?
Hi Cathy,
ALA or ISTE is a tough choice. This would be my question to help you decide: Is your future in library service or in educational technology service? Not clear cut, I realize, but I do think there is a distinction.
All the best and thanks for the kind words,
Hi Kelly,
If the requirement is looking at me, the drawing better be for at least a new car!
Hi Stuart,
I hear the same line from women in bars all the time.
Hi Todd,
Veneration of elders needs to make a come-back!
Do I know Doug Johnson? I wouldn't admit it if I did.