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Diane Cordell's review of School Libraries Head for the Edge.
Thanks, Diane!
From Booklist, April 15:
School Libraries Head for the Edge: Rants, Recommendations, and Reflections.
Johnson, Doug (Author)
Nov 2009. 200 p. Linworth, paperback, $35.00. (9781586833923). 027.80973.
Since 1995 Johnson has been writing the “Head for the Edge” column for Library Media Connections.
Here, “most” of the columns from 1995 to 2009, “only slightly revised,” are collected into seven chapters
covering professional skills, the impact of technology on libraries and education, and other topics. Each
chapter is arranged chronologically and includes an illustration by Johnson’s son Brady. The book also
contains an introduction sharing how the column began and an afterword advocating writing for
publication. The columns, even those now 15 years old, still challenge us to think about what we do, how
we do it, and why we do it, reflecting Johnson’s own educational philosophy. This collection will make
media specialists look forward to their next issue of Library Media Connections. — Esther Sinofsky
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