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T.H.E article on libraries

Check it out:

Library 2.0: Enter the Teacher Librarian Enthusiast

What will the new school library look like? In this first installment of our two-part library tech series, we explore the evolution of the school library--and the school librarian--and look to the opportunities that await once some basic challenges are overcome.

I am always delighted when such articles appear in general or technology education publications. And this is just the first of two!

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Reader Comments (1)

Hi Doug,

We hope that you have arrived home safely and are thinking back on the great walk just completed. We have been looking back over the photos of the beautiful scenery and great times, althought photos don't do it justice. The reason for this post is that I have copied the photos onto a CD for you but sadly have misplaced your contact details. If you could email your snail mail details we will post off the CD. By the way - how is the camera??


Angela & Rob Crispin

April 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAngela Crispin

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