All 10 fingers, all 10 toes - redux

Theodore was born yesterday, April 19th at about 3:00PM. Grandson number three for the LWW and me. I am updating my wishlist that I created for his cousin Miles in 2005.
Theo will start school in 2015 or 2016. Here’s what I hope he finds:
- A place that cares as much about his happiness as his education.
- A place that cares more about his love of learning than his test scores.
- A place where he feels safe and welcome and can’t wait to get to every morning.
- A place that honors creativity more than memorization.
- A place that has a library full of stories and a librarian who makes them come alive.
- A place where technology compliments, rather than replaces, playing with blocks, finger-painting, naps, graham crackers, or a teacher’s soft encouragement.
- A place where he learns to work and play with kids who make not have been given the blessings of a middle-class lifestyle or a fully-functioning body or brain.
- A place that teaches kindness along with math, tolerance along with history, and conservation along with science.
- A place where teachers are excited about teaching and passionate about encouraging the passions in their students.
- A place where his passions are honored and that he gets a chance to learn in lots of different ways from lots of different kinds of teachers.
Mom and baby are doing fine, but Grandma had to be peeled off the ceiling. - Grandpa Doug
Reader Comments (7)
Congratulations! I'm glad the baby is healthy! Now we can pray he will grow up to be wealthy and wise!
Congratulations, Doug! And how lucky he is to have you and LWW as grandparents.
Congratulations to your whole family. A baby brings so much happiness to everyone!
I think this list should be made into a poster, placed in a frame with the newborn photo, and looked at every day of his life and become a mantra for his parents and grandparents!
I think it would also be a great BD present to every newborn!
Congratulations! He's adorable and your wish list is great--one of the things I like about your blog is you discuss both nuts and bolts and "the big picture."
Thanks, everyone who responded. Mom and Theo are home from the hospital. Hope to check the little guy out in person this weekend.
My neice, Sarah Rose, was born on April 19th, eleven years ago. I still remember being amazed at this precious little lady, coming into a house full of boys. She remains a precious little lady, who can hold her own with the "brothers" while trying to decide which color looks best on her nails. All the blessings on your family.