Putting the "I" in IWB

I did a follow-up survey (previous posts here and here) of my district IWB (Smartboard) users asking the question I forgot to ask the first go-round:
Here are the results:
A lot of comments (mostly about how the respondent has not had enough time to master this tool), but a few like this as well:
1st grade---I have students circle or underline items, like words with a particular spelling pattern. I have also covered information with the "special pen" and kids erase to reveal it. Kids use the highlighter as a "magic finger" and highlight vocabulary words or other important information. Sometimes, they drag or click on answers to review questions. They drag to sort words with spelling patterns, or in science they sort animal pictures or clothes to wear for each season. We have created a Jeopardy style review game for each reading unit and kids tap the amount an category they want to get to the linked question. Students touch a link to online resources. We have viewed several educational videos--not interactive, but better quality than the VHS we have!
Are we revolutionizing education with this technology adoption? Probably not.
But are we improving the learning experience for a lot of kids. I think so.
For what it's worth.
Reader Comments (4)
I think that until we give control of this tool over to students--and let them use the tool to create, collaborate, and communicate, it won't be transforming education. I think the key will be to turn it into a student tool rather than a teacher tool.
We have four mobile smart boards in our media collection not including the one I use. Two were checked out at the beginning of the year and have been used almost daily by the teachers who checked them out. Two have stayed in the media center, visible to all because i have no equipment storage closet, never checked out never used. But, what did the teachers say I should purchase more of on the needs assessment survey?...smart boards! huh? I didn't understand that data...maybe I don't understand my staff? They want more of what they already have and don't use...
Hi Annie,
I think IWBs and projectors have to be permanently installed in a classroom before teachers will invest time and effort into using them. Offer a "permanent checkout" of your remaining boards and see what happens.
All the best,