Nominations for the ISTE board open

As a former member, I am always happy to encourage Blue Skunk readers to consider nominating themselves for the ISTE board. I always feel the organization's future is most secure when the board is comprised of a high percentage of librarians and Iowans. Even if you are disadvantaged by being neither, still consider a run for this very interesting voluntary position.
From ISTE on January 7, 2011:
We're building ISTE's next exceptional board of directors, and we need your help!
Board nominations are now open! What an exciting way to start 2011! Today through Monday, February 7, we are accepting nominations for the following open positions, each with a two-year term starting in June 2011:
- Three At-Large Representatives: General members involved in any area of educational technology
- One Computer Science Representative: General member who is a PK—12 or postsecondary education computer science instructor
- One International Representative: General member who is from a country other than the United States who is involved in any area of educational technology
- One PK-12 Schools Representative: General member who is a PK—12, school-based educator (either a classroom teacher or technology coordinator)
- One State Technology Director Representative: General member who is a director of technology for a state education agency
Today through Friday, January 21, we are accepting nominations for the following open positions, each with a two-year term starting in June 2011:
- One Affiliate Representative: A representative of the affiliate members
- One Corporate Member Representative: A representative of the corporate members
Consider nominating yourself or reach out to your ISTE member colleagues throughout the world, who have the leadership skills to serve and encourage them to run for a seat on the board. It is through you, our members who are committed to ISTE's mission of advancing excellence in the field of educational technology, that we can build an exceptional board.
Visit ISTE to view the details about the nomination process, the guiding questions, and board member responsibilities.
We encourage you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to expand your leadership skills and to build the next exceptional ISTE Board of Directors. The online election begins in March 2011.
Holly M. Jobe |
Helen L. Padgett, PhD |
P.S. Don't delay! Nominations close February 7!
Special Interest Group (SIG) Officer Elections are also open!
Check out for more information.
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