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« Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 4 | Main | Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 2 »

Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 3

Charlotte Danielson in her book Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching organizes effective teaching practices into four domains each with several sub-domains. I've added below some possible areas regarding teacher technology use as it impacts and improves teacher performance in each area. (See Framework for Teaching  - and Technology)

Domain 1:  Planning and Preparation

Domain 2:  The Classroom Environment

Domain 3:  Instruction

  • Communicating With Students
  • Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
  • Engaging Students in Learning 
  • Using Assessment in Instruction
  • Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

Technology-related competencies in this area.

  1. Teacher gives students alternate means of discussion and asking question using online communication tools to bring out the ideas of all students. 
  2. Teacher allows students to initiate discussions in online forums such as classroom blogs, discussion lists and social networking tools.
  3. Teacher expects and reinforces appropriate student interaction when using online tools.
  4. Teacher uses technology to create and project visual images that help explain content and concepts.
  5. Teacher uses technologies such as interactive white boards, student response systems and computer games to engage students.
  6. Teacher encourages students to use online resources to answer questions and explore concepts during class and teaches search and information evaluation strategies.
  7. Teacher uses technology in ways that make students productive and meet the instructional goals of the lesson.
  8. Teacher uses adaptive and adoptive technologies with students with special needs and to differentiate instruction for all students.

What's missing? What doesn't fit? 

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