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« Bike Northwoods: End of Day two | Main | BFTP: The joys of throwing thing away »

Bike Northwoods: End of Day One

I'm on the Bike Wisconsin Bike Northwoods week-long cycling tour. It's the end of day one of actually pedalling. Here are my stats:

Left Iron River at 6:15AM. Arrived hotel in Superior at 12:30PM. Actual time on bike: 4:58. 58.2 miles - mostly hills. Average speed 11.8 mph. Bike 1998 Cannondale crossbike with a few miles on it. Hot and humid. Light breeze. Number of other cyclists passing me: about 20. Number of cyclists I passed: 0.

This is a ride for people with, ahem:

Intermediate Cycling Ability Level
Tours suited for those in good cycling condition, who exercise on a regular basis, are able to ride 4 to 6 hours at a comfortable pace and are familiar with hill climbing.  Overall knowledge of your bicycle and the rules of the road is a MUST.  The terrain is flat to rolling, with some short, steep climbs; the routes average about 45 - 60 miles per day. Many days will have various mileage options.

OK, on my good days I am intermediate.


The average age of the 370 riders is 55 with the youngest 10 (on a tandem with her grandfather, I believe) and the oldest is 77. 58% are male; 42% female.

I just finished Albert Brooks' 2030 dystopian novel that pits the younger generations against the 70+ "olds" - a demographic group that has exploded in size due to a cure for cancer. Something to think about as I watch these grannies on $2500 road bikes go cruising past me. Uphill.


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