Bike Northwoods: End of Day two

It's a layover day in Superior, Wisconsin, and while the "expert" bikers did a 75 miler on the North Shore of Minnesota, I relaxed. Toured a big ship, the SS. Meteor, built in 1896 and was used through the 1940s. I was the only one on the tour.
Then rode down a bike path for about 5 miles that sort of hugs the shoreline, but it was rough and not very pretty - lot of grain elevators and ore docks. Came back and toured the Fairlawn Mansion. Build in the 1890s for $150,000 ($3 million today) the home had a swimming pool, bowling alley, ball room and billiard parlor. About 70% restored after being used as an orphanage for 40 years, it a grand old thing again. It's always been good to rich, I think.
But the highlight of the day was a tour of the world's largest accordion museum. You want to know anything about accordions and concertinas, you just ask me. An 84 year-old old lady gave the tour and kept repeating her stories. When talking to the LWW this afternoon who is Paris with her kids, I could just hear the disappointment that she chose the City of Lights and a week with her grandson instead of the world's largest accordian museum with me. Life is filled with regrets.
I have to say this is not a pretty town. Very few trees, tons of rough streets and railroad tracks, and just all industry. Never seen so many drunks out an about. There was a policeman in the lobby of this pretty nice hotel I'm staying in this afternoon evicting two very drunk men who weren't staying here. Sorry, Wisconsin, you have a beautiful state, but Superior needs work.
Tomorrow is a full 60 miles and the last section is labeled "hills." Tomorrow night I am a place called the Anchor Campgrounds and Cabins in Port Wing. Why do I think high speed internet will not be an option?
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