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« Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 11 & 12 | Main | Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 5 & 6 »

Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 7 & 8

Over the next few days, I will be updating my 2002 Rubrics for Restructuring. To see the originals and how they can be used read "Now that you know the basics."

VII.     Individualization of instruction and educational program (NETS III.B., V.B., VI.B.) (NETS 2 b, c, d)
Level 1     I modify my curriculum or instructional methods only for students with identified special needs.
Level 2    I occasionally give students the choice of assignments in my class, but all class members (unless they are in special education) must meet in the same learning objectives within the same time frame. Skill remediation is done during summer school or informally during or after school. 
Level 3    With the assistance of the student, parents, and appropriate specialists, I create a learning plan for each of my students. I identify specific student needs and learning styles and track the accomplishment of learning goals in the plan using a computerized tool. I use this tool during parent conferences and for school or state reporting. I take advantage of online resources as well as print in finding materials at comprehension levels for a range of students in my classes. I allow students to move at their own pace whenever possible.
Level 4    I provide suggestions about the content and design of the individualized computerized planning and report tools. Results of formative assessments guide my instruction for individuals and small groups througout the school year.

VIII.     Fostering home-school communications (NETS V.D.) (NETS 3 b, c)
Level 1     I use the traditional methods of communication with my students’ homes: telephone, report cards, progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, and print school or classroom newsletters..
Level 2    I send e-mail to parents who request it in response to specific inquiries. I use my district or building’s generic parent/guardian mailing list to distribute messages of general interest.
Level 3    I maintain a parent/guardian mailing list to distribute information about happening in my classroom. I maintain a classroom webpage that has basic information about my classroom and curriculum including study guides, notification of upcoming evaluation, assessment criteria of projects, class expectations, and other information parents may find useful.
Level 4    I use a webpage or web interface the student information system parent portal  to my gradebook to provide real-time information to parents about individual student’s progress in my class in a regular and timely manner.  I formally work with parent organizations to teach parents how to access school information electronically. I use school-approved social networking tools to keep parents (and students) informed of class activities and news.

Note: Since 2002 egular "value-added" computerized testing such as NWEA's MAPS test have helped teachers determine specific competencies of students which allows them to be grouped more easily. There is still a missing link between the results of these test and automated placement of students in appropriate learning activities. 

Electronic communications to parents, and students themselves, is more the norm than the exception for many schools. Making parents partners in their children's success only happens with effective, regular communication.

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