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Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 9 & 10

Over the next few days, I will be updating my 2002 Rubrics for Restructuring. To see the originals and how they can be used read "Now that you know the basics."

 IX.     Assistive and adaptive technologies (NETS V.B., VI.C., VI.E) (NETS 4 b)
Level 1     I am not aware of how technology can help students with learning problems or with physical or mental limitations.
Level 2    I work with students who may bring with them special devices that allow them to work and communicate in the classroom. I allow some students to use electronic aides to help overcome special learning problems.
Level 3    I use technology when appropriate to help students with special learning needs. These may include detailed individualized education plans, specialized communications devices, or other compensatory devices. I can identify technologies that may help students with learning disablilites even when they do not have a special education IEP.
Level 4    I provide professional growth opportunities for other teachers in the use of assistive and adaptive technologies. I work with my district's adaptive/adoptive special education specialist to identify technologies of value to students.
X.     Professional growth and communication (NETS V.A., V.B, V.D) (NETS 5 a, b ,c, d)
Level 1     I do not use electronic resources for professional growth or communication.
Level 2    I can find lesson plans and some research in online data bases or on the commercial web. I correspond with parents and other teachers using email.
Level 3    I use the Internet and other online resources to obtain research, teaching materials and information related to the content of my classes. I read electronic newsletters and journals to keep current on educational practices. I participate in electronic discussion groups and chat rooms that are related to my area of education. I effectively use a computerized presentation program when giving workshops or speaking at conferences. I take part in distance learning opportunities using technology. I have a Professional Learning Network of peers and experts that extends beyond my school with whom I exchange information and ideas.
Level 4    I organize professional growth opportunities for other teachers and feel comfortable teaching other staff members about the use of technology. I share my best practices and materials in electronic formats and use Creative Commons licenses that allow others use and modify my work.

Note: Greater efforts need to be made in using technology for students with special learning needs, including e-texts with reading assists and on-line tutorials. With the popular use of wikis, blogs and educational networking tools, teachers cannot only read the ideas of a world-wide network of educators, but actively participate in adding to the educational best practices database.

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