A stocking stuffer for webinarists

Hey, "webinarists." (I think I just coined a new word.) Pay attention!
I participated in two webinars last evening, both using Blackboard as the delivery method. In both webinars (and in many other online experiences), I have found myself really straining to hear participants. And really, who likes to strain?
Here is my request: if you are going to do a webinar - as a speaker, as a listener, as whatever, please invest in a pair of earbuds with a built-in microphone. When everyone uses earbuds (or headsets) feedback and echoing from speakers is eliminated. Moderators can keep more participants unmuted. And when an external microphone is used instead of the built in microphone 3-4 feet away from the speaker's mouth, clarity results.
Good earbud/microphone sets can be found for $30; some for less than $10. Do everyone a favor and buy two pair - one for work and one for home.
Or ask Santa for a pair.
Reader Comments (2)
I "hear" you on this one! A while back, I bought a pair of Logitech gaming kind of headphones - over the ears with a swing-down mic. About $30 and very clear sound. I use them to record all my screencasts for my 5th and 6th grade classes and they work much better than a hand-held, desktop, or built-in mic.
Hi Bob,
I like those as well - better actually since the earplugs don't always seem to want to stay in my ears.