Teck Check - Goal Three - Extensive Resources

For a number of years, I've used a set of simple checklists to help districts begin conversations about the "state of the state" of their technology implementations.
Based on five long-term goals I first articulated in the article, Maslow and Motherboards: Tech Planning, Multimedia School, Jan/Feb 2003, I update these checklists in a regular basis. Over this next week, I'll do so once again. Your comments are welcome (and invaluable).
At the end of the week, I will provide a link to a shared GoogelDrive folder that contains all these checklists as templates under CreativeCommons license.
Goal Three - Extensive Resources
Technology will be used to provide the most current, accurate, and extensive information resources possible to all learners in the district and community in a cost effective and reliable manner at maximum convenience to the user. |
Related educational objective |
Progress to date |
Importance H M L |
Priority H M L |
Access to a professional librarian with skills in selecting, evaluating, and using electronic information sources |
Internet access filtered or monitored to meet government requirements |
Access to on-line building library catalog, district union library catalog, and on-line catalogs of public, regional, and academic libraries |
Access to adequate on-line periodical databases and subject-specific databases |
Access to e-books to meet academic and personal needs |
Access to adequate on-line reference materials including encyclopedias |
Access to adequate digital image, sound, and video resources |
Video digitization equipment for computer network distribution of cable, video collections,and original programming |
Access to curriculum and teacher support materials |
Access to a wide variety of computerized productivity programs appropriate to student ability level such as GoogleApps for Education, OpenOffice, Microsoft Office, KidPix, Inspiration, digital still and video photography editing, and graphing programs |
Access to educational television programming and services |
Access to video conferencing stations or videoconfercing computer software |
Access to a wide range of educational computer programs including practices, simulations, and tutorials |
Access to web-based support materials accompanying textbook series and/or e-book versions of textbooks |
Ability to electronically publish and share school-produced information |
Access to course management systems (Moodle, Blackboard, Schoology etc) for online classes or support for F2F teaching and school-specific social networking tools such as Edmodo. |
Other? |
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