The only sane driver on the road

Did you ever notice how badly other people drive on the highway? Every person you encounter is either going at a snail's pace or doing some kind of Mad Max impersonation.
The only person driving at the correct speed (exactly 7 mph above the posted speed limit) is you.
I thought about this illusion last week when visiting with a second grade teacher in one of our buildings. I poked my nose in her class when I saw her students were in small groups - and one group was using iPads. When I asked her how things were going, she was apologetic. "Yes, I use the iPads I have and they work great. But I only use them for math for kids to show and discuss their work as they use Educreations."
I reassured her that even if she was "only using them for math" she had a better handle on their use than probably 90% of the rest of the teachers on the planet.
Technology user "stand outs" - like the drivers we encounter on the road - are those that are mulish late adopters or wild experimentalists. The sane, one-step-at-a-time, rational practitioners just don't get much attention. They just do the job.
A shout out to the sane tech drivers in our classrooms.
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