Poster power on Twitter

I've noticed an increasing number of Tweeters are getting around the 140 character limit by using links to graphics. I worry that this may raise Twitter's level of discourse above its usual bumpersticker simplicity, requiring that nuanced views actually be considered. I'm not sure today's political or educational climate will allow this.
So far the posters have as little depth as text posts, thank goodness. But they do look more profound.
Have a good week...
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Reader Comments (2)
I would have to ask - what are your thoughts about Pinterest? I started using it personally but now I also find some great stuff professionally too.
PS - This post (and your pictures) has been officially pinned! :)
Hi Jen,
OK, I'm going to get into trouble for saying this, but for some reason I think Pinterest has a lot more appeal to women than men. Gross generalization, I know. I have a Pinterest collection - sort of halfway maintained - on library facility design since the information is primarily visual.
Nice to hear I've been pinned. Makes me feel like I am a sorority girl or something.
Have a good one,