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BFTP: Questions we will be asking before long

My books and blog posts will be a historical curiosity before the end of most current librarian’s careers. (Actually, many are now.) We oldies may remember a day before every child had a personal device - but vaguely.

I don't think this is far-fetched. My 33-year-old son does not know a world that did not have the Internet in it; my grandsons have always had iPads/iPods. Both have had school-issued devices since 6th grade.

Given the pace of change, what questions might educators be asking themselves in wonder and awe in not too many years?

  1. You mean there was time before all of us wore a computer everyday? 
  2. Does your grandma tell you stories about reading paper books when she was little?
  3. Students sat in desks facing one way in a classroom all day - and it wasn't called child abuse?
  4. The stereotype of a librarian was a scowling woman with her hair in a bun making people be quiet and guarding books?
  5. People sat at a desk when using a computer?
  6. Everybody who was the same age was in the same class?
  7. Kids didn't have schoolwork when school was closed due to weather?
  8. All kids didn't have personalized education plans and everybody took algebra?
  9. You had to be in a certain location to get on the Internet?
  10. Movies came on physical media?
  11. People actually drank soft drinks with calories?
  12. School buses had human drivers?
  13. You couldn't chose when to watch your favorite TV program?
  14. Your phone calls weren't tracked by the government?
  15. There were teachers who didn't like to use technology?
  16. Schools didn't feed anyone who wanted it - breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
  17. Students got letter grades instead of badges?
  18. Seriously, going to a technical college was not as prestigious as going to a university?
  19. People used paper outside the bathroom?
  20. ____________________________ (Your question)

Some of these questions reflect wishful thinking. But I guess I've never seen much wrong with that.

What questions do you hope or dread people will be asking before you retire?

Original post 2/20/14

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