Bicycles and the Idaho stop

…“bicyclists approaching a four-way stop intersection can treat their stop sign as a yield sign, scan for other vehicles while slowing down and then ride through if clear” (“Stop sign rules relaxed for bicyclists,” Minneapolis Star Tribune, May 29)
A bit of controversy has sprung up over a small bill passed this legislative session here in Minnesota. Bicyclists may now legally perform an “Idaho stop” at intersections, as described above.
I am not sure what to think of this law. And I have been riding a bike for many, many years.
One rationale for the law as passed is that it simply legalizes what is already a common practice by many, if not most, cyclists - myself included. Given the amount of energy it takes to get a bike up to speed, one hates to toss it away by braking, let alone coming to a complete stop. So gliding through an otherwise unoccupied intersection that has stop signs seems to be common sense.
Sometimes common sense is a better guide to behavior than legality. One rule I follow religiously while biking on roads and streets I share with motor vehicles is that a car or truck will do me more damage than I will do to it if we collide. Therefore, I always yield when in any encounter - even if I technically have the right of way. I doubt St Peter at the Pearly Gates would show much sympathy for bikers who complain, “But I had the right of way!”
I never give any driver the benefit of the doubt. Bikers are hard to see. Not every driver knows or understands laws and cycling. I stay very, very alert when there is any vehicular activity at all. That just opened driver’s side door can take out a biker pretty fast if the biker does not give enough space between their path and parked cars too.
So, I don’t know just how much impact the new “Idaho stop” law will actually have. I don’t know any bicyclist who has been given a ticket for running a stop sign. I can’t think of any lawsuits that might gain traction from having such a law on the books. Perhaps it was simply a symbolic victory for the powerful bicyclist lobby in the state.
Speaking of common sense, I would highly recommend reading Grant Petersen’s little book Just Ride. You won’t regret it. I may re-read it before my bicycling trip in Italy starts next week!
Oh, I’ve been collecting these since about 2006…
Some Lessons Learned from Bicycling
Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia. H.G. Wells
- Balance is a good thing.
- It's usually uphill and against the wind. (Murphy's Law of Bicycling)
- Most big hills that look impossible are usually a series of small hills that are possible.
- I've never met a hill I couldn't walk up.
- It's better to shift to a lower gear than to stop altogether.
- Sometimes it's nice to be able to have equipment to blame things on.
- You really can't make your own weather.
- Coasting feels good, but you don't get much exercise doing it.
- A beer at the end of a long day of riding tastes better than a beer when just sitting around (or at breakfast, I'm guessing).
- Don't drink at lunch time and expect to enjoy the afternoon.
- Bike helmets are a sure sign that natural selection is still a force of nature.
- The few minutes putting air in your tires at the beginning of the day is time well spent.
- There will always be riders who are faster than you and riders who are slower than you.
- Watching old people zip by you should be encouraging, not discouraging.
- Too often we quit because our spirit fails, not our legs or lungs.
- Spouses (or entire families) who dress alike should not expect the rest of us to consider them normal.
- Too much padding between you and a bike seat is impossible.
- The happiest people are the ones who consider life a ride, not a race.
- The more expensive the bike and clothing, the higher the expectations others have of your performance.
- The 500 calories burnt exercising do not compensate for the 2000 calories from beer drunk celebrating your accomplishment.
- Everyone can look buxom on a bicycle - even guys.
- You always feel the headwind, but never the tailwind. But it's there.
- Most forms of travel involve some degree of discomfort. But keep moving anyway.
- Cows always have the right of way.
- You eventually dry out even after the biggest downpour.
- Don't text and bike.
- Always be on the look out for idiots. (See number 26.)
- Be grateful for the ability to create sore muscles.
- New places look better from a bicycle seat than from the window of a tour bus.
- The office will do just fine without you while you are on your bike.
And your observations, fellow bicyclists?
Reader Comments (2)
Just bought a new mountain bike a few weeks ago and have been trying to ride each morning (here in South East Texas it is difficult to ride after 9:00 am). Totally agree with your advice to give vehicles the right of way, and your "Idaho stop" is universal.
I also have a headlamp on my forehead, a bike light facing forward, and a blinking red light in the back.
Ride safe!
Hi Kenn,
Enjoy your new bike! I've always been a road biker, not a mountain biker, but it looks like fun for people with better balance than I have!
You might want to check out that Just Bike book I recommend in my post. The author has some interesting things to say about flashing lights on bikes.
Be safe,