No events today

This is my second self-imposed day of isolation after home-tests on both Saturday and Sunday showed positive for COVID. I feel I have a bit of a cold and a little draggy, but nothing all that serious. The quarantine is worse than the physical discomfort.
- No visits to the Y.
- No volunteer rides to give.
- No grocery shopping.
- No Rotary meetings.
- No group hiking.
“No events today” as the app on my iPad reads.
Ironically, I would have given anything for a schedule like this only a few years ago. A forty hour plus per week day job, traveling to do speaking and consulting, writing, participation in volunteer organizations, entertaining young grandchildren, and keeping up a large house on a large lot overfilled most of my calendar. And oddly enough, I never seemed stressed about the abundance of activities.
I really have nothing to complain about - I have plenty to read, plenty of movies to stream, plenty of small projects to do around the house. If I am bored, I have no one to blame but myself. Maybe I will be less inclined to take my mobility, my health, and my independence for granted as a result of these few days of exile.
But the next time I take the home-test if better damn well come back negative!
Reader Comments (3)
I hate to hear you tested positive. Hopefully your symptoms will stay pretty mild. And yes, there is always so much to do around the house! Feel better soon!
Sorry to hear you tested positive. Hope Heidi dodged the bullet. New guidelines seem to indicate that as soon as you feel normal, even if you test positive you can get back to normal. I think. Check it out and good luck.
Hope you’re better soon. I enjoyed about 3 days doing some of the things you mentioned. Then I was ready to rejoin the world. I’m sure you’ll be ready too..