Odds and Ends - Sexy Librarian edition

I was shocked, shocked, to read two letters to the editor objecting to the Second Life librarian avatar on the cover of the January issue of School Library Journal, a publication not known for its titillating content (so to speak). I mean, what is the point of even having an avatar if it doesn't look like you want to look, not as you do look? According to the letter writers, this avatar was, gasp, violating a library dress code.
As readers of the Blue Skunk know, I am a big fan of sexy librarians and sexy search engines.
SLJ, keep up the good work! Librarian do have this image problem but it can be overcome. Keep helping.
I am honored that one of my blog entries won an award. At least I think it is an honor.
the piece of bloggery that best exemplifies the qualities of gleeful subversiveness, smarts, incisive style, cleverness, fearlessness, dark humor, and acute. . . er, chronic. . . sense of irony.
Can an award for sarcasm ever be trusted? I really never thought I would win anything but a worst dressed award. Thank you, Scott!
A t-shirt slogan: National Sarcasm Society: Like we need your support.
Interent safety guru Nancy Willard sent the link to this most excellent article "Predators & cyberbullies: Reality check" around to several listservs this week. It's a very good read as is its companion piece, "The Shame Game" in the Columbia Journalism Review.
Favorite quote of the week: "My education was dismal. I went to a series of schools for mentally disturbed teachers." Woody Allen.
It's tough on blog conversations not to want to have the last word. I usually have a "yeah, but..." and I don't want to be rude with writers thinking I am ignoring them either. This is not my last word, but it is worth visiting the Assorted Stuff blog for Tim's thoughtful reaction to my The Technology Glass entry. Miguel Guhlin asked how Tim and I could differ so much in our views on IWBs. I think our views are very similar - I just have lower expectations of most things than Tim.
Peter Reilly remains one of the deepest thinkers in the educational blogosphere. I am in awe of every post he writes it seems. Join him for an Ed Tech Journey.
Best funny of the week (and I don't think it will offend anyone!)
After having dug to a depth of 10 meters last year, Scottish scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago.
Not to be outdone by the Scots, in the weeks that followed, British scientists dug to a depth of 20 meters, and shortly after, headlines in the UK newspapers read: "British archaeologists have found traces of 200 year old copper wire and have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred years earlier than the Scots."
One week later, "The Klub", a Sunburg, Minnesota newspaper reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 meters in corn fields near Games Lake, Ole Johnson, a self taught archeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing. Ole has therefore concluded that 300 years ago Norwegians were already using wireless." YOU BETCHA!
This has been one heck of a month work-wise. Long range tech plan for the school, board report to be given this evening, surveys of staff satisfaction and the SmartClasroom project, new student information system manager job interviews, library media specialist meetings, every district committee existing meeting - all this month so far. I've written three longish articles and three columns over the past three weeks and prepared one whole new Powerpoint extravaganza. I am prepping for four presentations for a day long conference in SW Minnesota tomorrow, the WOW teleconference tomorrow evening, the Discovery webinar on Wednesday and the EARCOS conference next week in Bangkok where I will be doing another 4 workshops. Whine, whine, whine.
I've always believed it is better to wear out than rust out, but I am going to be a very happy camper when the LWW and I hit Friendship Beach on Phuket Island in two weeks for a few days. It is unlikely I will blog from the beach.
Hope everyone's week is off to a wonderful start!
Reader Comments (3)
While the award does recognize valorous conduct in the service of sarcasm and satire, it was not bestowed ironically. Really. Oh, for an emoticon to indicate irony or heartfelt earnestness.
Actually, there IS such an ironic punctuation mark, as I discovered from this if:book post:
Love the t-shirt idea. Another: RSS = Really Sarcastic Syndication.
Thanks for keeping it (en)light(ened).
This is too funny. Thanks for writing in.